PowerFolder Server 11 SP4
PowerFolder Server 11 SP4
PowerFolder Server 11 SP4 Release Notes
- Release date: Oct 2017
- Build Number: 11.4.583
- Type: Drop-In
Upgrade Information
- Please follow the regular upgrade documentation for Windows or Linux.
- No extra steps or configurations are required during this upgrade.
- Upgrading any previous version is possible.
- Cluster: Running different versions on the servers in the cluster is supported but not advised.
- For upgrading from a version < 11.4 please watch the Upgrade information for the 11.4.565 release below.
- Skins and e-mail templates: Changed E-Mail-Templates: merge.vm, add_email_address.vm.
Downgrade information (optional)
- In case a downgrade to a previous version is necessary:
- Version 11.4 is forward and backward compatible to older and newer versions.
- Simply replace the PowerFolder-Server.jar file with that from the previous version you would like to run.
- Log messages due to the higher schema version of database can be ignored:
[DatabaseMigrator]: Database layout version is newer than expected.
- [PF-872] - Updated Java to Version 8 Update 151
- [PF-880] - Set default value of "log.active_threads" to false
- [PF-881] - Improved text for merge emails
- [PF-458] - WebDAV now working properly when connecting to a cluster
- [PF-820] - WebDAV now properly working on Windows Server
- [PF-818] - Fixed NumberFormatException in logs when using alternative WebDAV Client
- [PF-840] - Account gets updated properly when merging accounts
- [PF-838] - File links now get properly updated when merging users
- [PF-524] - Invitation responses not being sent, when "accepting new folder shares" is disabled
- [PF-879] - Update last login date in foreground thread during login process
- [PF-846] - ONLYOFFICE can now be disabled in preferences
- [PF-492] - Buttons when managing accounts in organizations is not working in German language
- [PF-839] - Subject and merge email templates aren't missing any longer
- Release date: Sep 2017
- Build number: 11.4.565
- Type: Service Pack
Upgrade information
- Please follow the regular upgrade documentation for Windows or Linux.
- No extra steps or configurations are required during this upgrade. Upgrading any previous version is possible.
- Cluster: Running different versions on the servers in the cluster is supported.
- Skins and e-mail templates: Added e-Mail-template merge.vm and subject
- Translations: Some translations changed.
Database: Migration will be automatically performed (new schema version 157).
Please update one server first and start it completely to ensure the database is migrated correctly!
- New/removed config entries:
- Added configuration entry: server.federation.login_enabled, auto.setup.folders.ignored, file_link.allow_uploads, file_link.upload_landing_page, file_link.upload_mails, file_link.upload_mails
- Removed configuration entry: removed.folder.files
Downgrade information (optional)
- In case a downgrade to a previous version is necessary:
- Version 11.4 is forward and backward compatible to older and newer versions.
- Simply replace the PowerFolder-Server.jar file with that from the previous version you would like to run.
- Log messages due to the higher schema version of database can be ignored:
[DatabaseMigrator]: Database layout version is newer than expected.
New documentation
- Documentation is currently updated. We will place the links to the updates here shortly.
New Feature
- [PFS-2425] - Central Login process in federation
- [PFS-869] - Upload-Link and Upload-Forms
- [PFS-2429] - IKARUS Scanserver - Performance/memory issues
- [PFS-417] - Retrieve public key of trusted computers from server
- [PFS-1692] - Improve message after removing OrgAdmin permission of currently logged in account
- [PFS-1743] - Support package cleanup function
- [PFS-2026] - Consistency check for server installation
- [PFS-2187] - Better error messages if user cannot be created
- [PFS-2213] - Retrieve reseller of organization
- [PFS-2278] - Disable entry fields for federated accounts
- [PFS-2286] - Add support link in main menu
- [PFS-2288] - Sync is successful only when files exist on server
- [PFS-2325] - Show invitations at Account.edit / Folders
- [PFS-2338] - Create special indexes on PGSQL for columns with LIKE Queries
- [PFS-2350] - Prevent user from deleting own account
- [PFS-2351] - User import via CSV / Multi user invite
- [PFS-2357] - Hide file and folder names in links
- [PFS-2358] - Auto-save while editing files with ONLYOFFICE
- [PFS-2364] - NFR organization admin can rename his account
- [PFS-2366] - Organization admins can delete and edit NFR accounts (expiration date, admin rights)
- [PFS-2370] - Accounts API action "getInfo" now contains language
- [PFS-2392] - Create primary keys on different tables
- [PFS-2405] - Pressing the Resync button should trigger an instant rescan job
- [PFS-2416] - Add API call to restore all data inside a folder within a given time range
- [PFS-2422] - Error message when trying to create an already existing account
- [PFS-2445] - Remove folder secure ID calculation from protocol
- [PFS-2462] - Remove global synchronization AbstractSessionIdManager and JDBCSessionIdManager to improve web interface speed
- [PFS-2464] - Short term cache for account information on http sessions
- [PFS-2487] - HTTP Tunneled connections now also work with unresolvable server hostnames
- [PFS-2490] - Increase default memory size from 512mb to 1gb
- [PFS-2427] - Synced files have only read permissions
- [PFS-893] - SQL Database password containing "&" does not work
- [PFS-1895] - Improved connectivity via HTTP(S) tunnel service for clients with restricted web access
- [PFS-2014] - Client doesn't delete Shibboleth settings after server URL change
- [PFS-2097] - WebDAV not working on Windows Server for TERRA Drive
- [PFS-2157] - User-avatar still remains when the user-account is deleted
- [PFS-2181] - Slow login due to organization limit calculation
- [PFS-2208] - Shouldn't be allowed to rename folders when accessing it with read permission (eg in public access)
- [PFS-2209] - AD-users with expiry dates are unable to login
- [PFS-2218] - Live-Changes in documents not displayed for users with only read-permission
- [PFS-2227] - Folder contents doesn't show up after renaming a folder
- [PFS-2240] - Deleting a user doesn't delete his base path
- [PFS-2266] - Unable to merge accounts in web interface
- [PFS-2279] - After accepting invitation user has no access to folder belonging to federated-account
- [PFS-2281] - After passing folder ownership the original folder path remains
- [PFS-2284] - Fixed uploading files via WebDAV to subdir with special chars result in zero-size
- [PFS-2293] - WD NAS TERRA Drive not syncing new shares created on NAS
- [PFS-2300] - OpenDocument files are being saved in the wrong format after editing
- [PFS-2304] - API-call getOrganizations only lists organizations of defined username
- [PFS-2313] - Login fails it account validity date is set in LDAP AD
- [PFS-2316] - Owner change doesn't work for account with English or Italian language
- [PFS-2318] - Owner change mails are sent to the username instead of the mail address on Shibboleth-enabled systems
- [PFS-2323] - After merging two users via API the folder pathnames are moved to the remaining user in the filesystem
- [PFS-2347] - Reseller can not longer deactivate restrict to domains setting
- [PFS-2354] - Kerberos login fails
- [PFS-2355] - Improved log message for restore of deep folder structure with partial file versioning
- [PFS-2356] - I/O Stuck on crypto threads
- [PFS-2359] - Rare race condition in caching leads to 100% CPU usage
- [PFS-2360] - Rare DB deadlock while client login and concurrent server switch
- [PFS-2362] - ONLYOFFICE doesn't save 2007-2013 format office files
- [PFS-2363] - Prevent multiple invitations to the same folder
- [PFS-2365] - Organization admins can remove the admin right
- [PFS-2367] - Corrected store of organizationID for groups via API
- [PFS-2371] - Avoid hidden deadlock causing increasing threads during folder mounting
- [PFS-2391] - News does show contents of folders hosted on different server
- [PFS-2394] - User account can not be deleted
- [PFS-2398] - Encrypted Folder Up-/Download > 2GB Files defective
- [PFS-2399] - Staggered representation of long folder/subdir names
- [PFS-2426] - NFR Account and Organisation Admins can't delete any user.
- [PFS-2431] - API problems with merge command when the user has an open invitation
- [PFS-2438] - Rename in Web GUI leads to creating a new folder in file system of server.
- [PFS-2439] - TERRA Drive - WDNAS user login gets lost after power failure
- [PFS-2447] - Cluster server loose connections (Unauthorized deserialization attempt: org.hibernate.JDBCException)
- [PFS-2476] - (Encrypted) Folders are not Deleted after Deleting Accounts From Web
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