PowerFolder Server 10 SP3

PowerFolder Server 10 SP3

PowerFolder Server 10 SP3 Release Notes

Release date: Aug 2015

Build number: 10.3.132


[PFS-1510] - Automatically upgrade / downgrade account to 5 GB / 5 User license if smaller/expired or invalid
[PFS-1572] - Accept terms of service (TOS) by user before the service can be used. Support for TOS lifecycle management
[PFS-1590] - Group Edit: Deleting the Name of the Organization of a group does not remove the Organization on saving
[PFS-1604] - Better text for deleting a shared folder
[PFS-1643] - Increased security on password policy: A password is required to have: At least 8 characters, At least one upper case letter, At least one lower case letter, At least one number, At least one special character.
[PFS-1669] - Rename top-level folder in web
[PFS-1670] - Support generalized time / openLDAP date format for expiration date field
[PFS-1684] - Allow overriding of existing license key only as server-admin
[PFS-1691] - Reduce number of returned results of username auto-complete to 10
[PFS-1294] - Improved display of link expiration date
[PFS-1671] - Groups can now be GroupAdmin, OrgAdmin and ServerAdmin
[PFS-1712] - Increase logging for API calls
[PFS-1721] - Log and quit, if not running on Java 8
[PFS-1735] - Change username via API of existing Accounts
[PFS-1740] - Abort startup of service if license is invalid
[PFS-1248] - AccountDetails: List of emails could get very long and blow the layout
[PFS-1294] - Improved display of link expiration date
[PFS-1510] - Automatically upgrade / downgrade account to 5 GB / 5 User license if smaller/expired or invalid
[PFS-1568] - Admin Account.Edit & MyAccount: Possibiltity to add + remove email addresses
[PFS-1572] - Accept terms of service (TOS) by user before the service can be used. Support for TOS lifecycle management
[PFS-1590] - Group Edit: Deleting the Name of the Organization of a group does not remove the Organization on saving
[PFS-1593] - Apply profile according to home organization (Default quota per organization base)
[PFS-1604] - Better text for deleting a shared folder
[PFS-1643] - Increased security on password policy: A password is required to have: At least 8 characters, At least one upper case letter, At least one lower case letter, At least one number, At least one special character.
[PFS-1648] - Policies for 0 GB User (external)
[PFS-1668] - Email texts: Externalize translation texts into property files
[PFS-1669] - Rename top-level folder in web
[PFS-1670] - Support generalized time / openLDAP date format for expiration date field
[PFS-1671] - Groups can now be GroupAdmin, OrgAdmin and ServerAdmin
[PFS-1684] - Allow overriding of existing license key only as server-admin
[PFS-1691] - Reduce number of returned results of username auto-complete to 10
[PFS-1712] - Increase logging for API calls
[PFS-1721] - Log and quit, if not running on Java 8
[PFS-1728] - ToS page should have a "Do not accept" button
[PFS-1735] - Change username via API of existing Accounts
[PFS-1740] - Abort startup of service if license is invalid
[PFS-1749] - Prevent unintended merging of accounts by email of LDAP users
[PFS-1761] - Demo Account does not create Organisation


[PFS-1481] - News stream not available / takes ages for loading
[PFS-1583] - Permissionproblem with switching users
[PFS-1620] - Uploading a big file via a slow connection, a timeout hits
[PFS-1672] - Fixed loading of folder list for instances running at a (sub) URI
[PFS-1678] - Several lists cannot be loaded in manged instances
[PFS-1679] - Textfields have to small or large height
[PFS-1687] - Corrected available space of storage at Dashboard and Servers app
[PFS-1694] - Database schema creation error on initial start (Unsuccessful: create index IDX_ACCOUNT_OID on Token (oid))
[PFS-1708] - LDAP authentication doesn't support common names including commas
[PFS-1576] - SSL wizard is not working with Java 8
[PFS-1665] - Linux mount doesn't work with WebDav
[PFS-1711] - Server logs the proxy IP address instead the X-Forwarded-For address when a user logs in
[PFS-1741] - XSS-Attack possible on Group App (Name + Description)
[PFS-1748] - Login and TOS with originalURI (e.g. folderstable) does not work
[PFS-1287] - Missing no-cache header on file downloads
[PFS-1481] - News stream not available / takes ages for loading
[PFS-1543] - Logging only respects log file level till midnight
[PFS-1576] - SSL wizard is not working with Java 8
[PFS-1583] - Permissionproblem with switching users
[PFS-1605] - Customized file_link_invitation.vm is now used
[PFS-1620] - Uploading a big file via a slow connection, a timeout hits
[PFS-1644] - Subfolder contents disappear after rename and reappear only after several minutes / Improve rescan
[PFS-1658] - Merging accounts doesn't work when creating invitations
[PFS-1665] - Linux mount doesn't work with WebDav
[PFS-1666] - LDAP users can edit their profile fields
[PFS-1672] - Fixed loading of folder list for instances running at a (sub) URI
[PFS-1678] - Several lists cannot be loaded in manged instances
[PFS-1679] - Textfields have to small or large height
[PFS-1682] - Folder Report is not send
[PFS-1687] - Corrected available space of storage at Dashboard and Servers app
[PFS-1688] - Italian web translation breaks web interface
[PFS-1694] - Database schema creation error on initial start (Unsuccessful: create index IDX_ACCOUNT_OID on Token (oid))
[PFS-1703] - Folders on reconnected network shares are not properly marked online after server restart
[PFS-1704] - Deletion of LDAP settings on one cluster node will be overwritten by other cluster nodes
[PFS-1705] - Corrected syncing of server preferences values in cluster when changing config file (e.g. LDAP email field mapping value)
[PFS-1706] - Corrected syncing of deleted server preferences values in cluster (e.g. login script)
[PFS-1708] - LDAP authentication doesn't support common names including commas
[PFS-1711] - Server logs the proxy IP address instead the X-Forwarded-For address when a user logs in
[PFS-1741] - XSS-Attack possible on Group App (Name + Description)
[PFS-1746] - Remove the web GUI restart and shutdown function
[PFS-1748] - Login and TOS with originalURI (e.g. folderstable) does not work
[PFS-1768] - Missing English tooltip translation when renaming in the web interface

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