PowerFolder Server 15 SP1
PowerFolder Server 15 SP1
- Release Date: April 2020
- Build Number: 15.1.101
- Type: Hot Fix
All production builds are starting from X.Y.100* and development builds (not for productive use) are starting from X.Y.1 - 99
* (Where X=Major software version and Y=Service pack number)
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Cluster Policy Improvement
- In the past PowerFolder Server used a cluster policy that is defined in the external load balancer e.g. Nginx or Apache. PFS v15.0.100 contains a default cluster policy in that it is defined that the new users / folders are automatically registered to the server that contains the minimum number of folders so that the storage and the server capacity can be used and managed in smart way and the resources remained balanced. For more infos please visit: Clustering Information
Client Availability Improvement
- PowerFolder Server v15.1 the MSI-Client x64 can be directly downloaded from the homepage under clients-tab. Server admin can set the link for that in the admin dashboard< preferences < customizations < download URLs < Windows MSI client URL < path.
Upgrade Information
- Please read this complete Release Notes and instructions before upgrading.
- Please follow the regular upgrade documentation for Windows or Linux
- Upgrading any previous version higher or equal to version 11.8.
- If you face the error message
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Problem reading database configuration. org.hibernate.HibernateException: Dialect class not found: de.dal33t.powerfolder.A.L.C.B
in the logs, please stop thee service, remove the linehibernate.dialect=de.dal33t.powerfolder.A.L.C.B
from your Server Configuration File and start the service again. - Cluster: Running different versions on the servers in the cluster is supported but limited to version >= 14.3.5
Downgrade Information (optional)
- In case a downgrade to a previous version is necessary:
- For a downgrade you have to review our downgrade documentation.
- Simply replace the PowerFolder-Server.jar file with that from the previous version you would like to run.
- Log messages due to the higher schema version of database can be ignored:
[DatabaseMigrator]: Database layout version is newer than expected.
- PFS-3563 - Reduce SQL load during periodic background account checks and quota calculation. Fixes "Cannot open connection"
- Release Date: March 2020
- Build Number: 15.1.100
- Type: Service Pack Release
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- PFS-3534 - Deadlock while calculating quota
- PFS-3518 - Optimize availability of x64 Bit MSI client
- PFS-2853 - Cut and paste of files between folders is not working
- PFS-2758 - Users are unable to create groups with same names
- PFS-3521 - Easy invitation of multiple receivers
- PFS-3520 - Customizable message on login page
- PFS-3261 - Upload of files and folders is broken in Internet Explorer