PowerFolder Server 15 SP8
PowerFolder Server 15 SP8
- Release Date: February 2021
- Build Number: 15.8.102
- Type: Service Pack Release
All production builds are starting from X.Y.100* and development builds (not for productive use) are starting from X.Y.1 - 99
* (Where X=Major software version and Y=Service pack number)
Download Links
Upgrade Information
- Please read this complete Release Notes and instructions before upgrading.
- Please follow the regular upgrade documentation for Windows or Linux
- Upgrading any previous version higher or equal to version 11.8.
- Cluster: Running different versions on the servers in the cluster is supported but limited to version >= 14.3.5
Individual Web-Branding for the Organizations
Organization admins can customize individual branding as per his/her organization for users, more infos under Working with Organizations
Disable continuous Account Checks
To disable the continuous accounts check:
(Default: server.accountchecks.enabled=true)
Purpose for continuous account checks are:
- Federation: Merge account across federated services.
- Sending mails to users when their account is about to expire/expired.
- Re-enable sync if quota was exceeded and usage was reduced by user.
Context Menu for the File-Links
Only for links with READ/WRITE(upload) permission:
file_link.display.context.menu=true (Full context menu is available (Delete, Rename, Copy+Cut, etc))
file_link.display.context.menu=false (default)
Configuration Parameters
- Check and change/add in PowerFolder.config:
Downgrade Information (optional)
- In case a downgrade to a previous version is necessary:
- For a downgrade you have to review our downgrade documentation.
- Simply replace the PowerFolder-Server.jar file with that from the previous version you would like to run.
- Log messages due to the higher schema version of database can be ignored:
[DatabaseMigrator]: Database layout version is newer than expected.
- PFS-3686 - Fix LDAP-Login for users with double usernames CLOSED
- PFS-3717 - Fix non-working links with underscore _ in name CLOSED
- PFS-3705 - Reseller is no longer able to remove organization mapping from any existing account CLOSED
- PFS-3696 - Account ->Edit: Refine (pre-)setting of organization tab CLOSED
- PFS-3210 - Sync profile of folders is unable to reset after quota been increased CLOSED
- PFS-3519 - Web-Branding per organization CLOSED
- PFS-3770 - Reduce data in JSON for auto-complete as much as possible CLOSED
- PFS-3762 - Anonymous upload link fails for directory CLOSED
- PFS-3586 - Storage balancing cluster logic CLOSED
- PFS-3730 - Clear single files and subdirectories from recycle bin CLOSED
- PFS-3745 - Config entry to disable continuous account checks CLOSED
- PFS-3748 - API: Folder create. Return error if folder with same ID already existing CLOSED
- PFS-3765 - Optimize logging for federation account merge process CLOSED
- PFS-3765 - Optimize logging for federation account merge process CLOSED
- PFS-3767 - Fix return mime type of RPM installer CLOSED
- PFS-3768 - Use default sync profile on server when creating folder via WebDAV CLOSED
- PFS-3769 - Improve display of long usernames / emails / folder names in web CLOSED
- PFS-3772 - Avoid NPE on deleted file link. Return 404 instead CLOSED
- PFS-3782 - Fix correct base path using API-Call CLOSED