PowerFolder Server 11
PowerFolder Server 11
PowerFolder Server 11 Release Notes
Release date: Aug 2016
Build number: 11.0.214
New Feature
- [PFC-2455] - Multi Homing/Federated PowerFolder Clouds: Access/Sync different PowerFolder Servers/Clusters from Client, Web and Mobile App
- [PFS-1349] - PowerFolder & Docker
- [PFS-1631] - Branding Center: Web, Mobile and Client
- [PFS-1750] - Periodically synchronize LDAP Accounts known to PowerFolder
- [PFS-782] - NTFS Permissions/ ACL Sync
- [PFS-1115] - Folder/Members: User gets Feedback if Member is not added
- [PFS-1409] - User can be Admin of multiple Organizatzions
- [PFS-1647] - LDAP Mapping of valid from date
- [PFS-1662] - Forced restart after saving changes
- [PFS-1681] - Possibility to enter absolute path as BACKUP_REMOVE directory / Preserve storage structure
- [PFS-1710] - Check and warning if JavaScript is not enabled
- [PFS-1734] - Remove emails of account if not longer existing in LDAP
- [PFS-1744] - Add missing LDAP configuration fields to web GUI
- [PFS-1773] - Improved restart handling when saving preferences
- [PFS-1825] - Improved check for invitation address validity
- [PFS-1828] - Server activation: Offer option to setup HTTP proxy
- [PFS-1921] - MSI Installer Registry Schlüssel Metainformationen
- [PFS-1929] - Don't log /rpc requests
- [PFS-1949] - Speed up loading of folder list
- [PFS-1959] - Reduce logging when cleaning up timed out ONLYOFFICE sessions
- [PFS-1963] - Disable Autofill for browsers
- [PFS-1968] - Maintain list of domains per organization
- [PFS-1970] - Reset / Disable accounts if organization validity data has expired
- [PFS-1979] - Performance increase when listing folders
- [PFS-1981] - FilesAPI: Add action "getAll"
- [PFS-1982] - Increase web upload limit per file over 2GB+
- [PFS-1991] - Better question text when passing folder ownership
- [PFS-1997] - Remove waiting page
- [PFS-2001] - Account.Details: Translated and better test for validity date
- [PFS-2004] - Do not inherit organization of LDAP user on invite
- [PFS-2005] - New Registration process for external (database) users
- [PFS-2006] - Shibboleth Web Login: Improve mixed authentication setup with multi LDAP
- [PFS-2016] - Umlaut Problem auf der Account-Seite ( Email hinzufügen)
- [PFS-2017] - Usage of $targetName variable in password recovery template
- [PFS-2029] - Perfom sync of account data from LDAP after invitation (instead on first login)
- [PFS-2032] - Include exception error message on error page
- [PFS-2040] - Prevent Browser from filling Forms automatically
- [PFS-2043] - Edit and keep all file formats supported by ONLYOFFICE (e.g. CSV, doc)
- [PFS-2044] - Add PowerFolder company information in ONLYOFFICE
- [PFS-2053] - Display images and PDF documents shared by link directly in the browser
- [PFS-2054] - Immediate validation of form fields after leaving them
- [PFS-2061] - Option to add and list users while creating or editing an organization
- [PFS-2062] - Button to reset the validity of file-links is missing
- [PFS-2063] - Unlimited symbol should be replaced by a checkbox and gray-out of the field
- [PFS-2070] - Adopt to Shibboleth / SAML IdP v3
- [PFS-2073] - Display error message for IE when uploading too large files
- [PFS-2091] - Increase SQL connection speed: Increase connections from 100 to 500
- [PFS-2113] - Auto-correction for differences between folder name and name in the folder path
- [PFS-2115] - Make wording for accepting folder shares more positive sounding
- [PFS-2116] - Federation add service: Validate input
- [PFS-2121] - Add Windows Phone (Nokia 920) to mobile detection list
- [PFS-2122] - Several cosmetics
- [PFS-2126] - Hide Organization/Edit/Domains field for resellers/org admins
- [PFS-2128] - Removed parameter to turn off CSRF token validation
- [PFS-2131] - Organization API now supports setPermission action to set Org-Admin and Org-Create permission
- [PFS-2139] - Avoid duplicate access to server_maintenance folder in HA setups
- [PFS-2145] - Add default LDAP/Database option to SAML Login Select Box
- [PFS-1730] - LDAP test fails with cluster reverse proxy
- [PFC-2450] - System service not working on Windows 8.1, 10 and Windows Server 2016
- [PFS-1731] - Also query other LDAP Servers from ServerAccountService
- [PFS-1786] - Race Condition when changing owner permission on folder
- [PFS-1817] - Exceeded quota not showing
- [PFS-1838] - Incorrect popup message when deleting folders
- [PFS-1866] - Renaming a parent folder is not visible to all invited users
- [PFS-1883] - Newly created users are placed on a single server
- [PFS-1892] - Unable to open files when the sub-folder is named "open"
- [PFS-1927] - Storage size almost exceeded warning doesn't disappear
- [PFS-1945] - Server doesn't use BACKUP_REMOVE folder belonging to the storage path
- [PFS-1946] - Passing folder ownership does not move the folder to the new owner on the storage
- [PFS-1969] - Server Admin-Dashboard: Fixed chart "last login"
- [PFS-1973] - Adding semicolon in Email-Adress is replaced with blankspace
- [PFS-1976] - Config entry value corruption when saving preferences
- [PFS-1983] - Reverse proxying problem when using password protected links
- [PFS-1986] - Slow subdirectory renaming
- [PFS-1987] - Accessing folders with WebDAV is slow
- [PFS-1988] - Unnecessary authentication-queries when several LDAP-Servers are enabled
- [PFS-1993] - Shibboleth: Fixed first use of profile of organization, added default shibboleth profile
- [PFS-2000] - Renaming of directory not working on web: Files never show up
- [PFS-2002] - Fixes delete subdir containing files
- [PFS-2009] - Adding Email Address to user account replaces old address
- [PFS-2010] - Cannot rename parent folder
- [PFS-2013] - Fixed assign profile/quota by LDAP-group
- [PFS-2015] - Icon overlay errors in server logs
- [PFS-2018] - Folders renamed by server administrator are moved to the wrong directory
- [PFS-2021] - Adding the username as email address to an account deletes the account after merge
- [PFS-2028] - Remove SAML-entitlement check. Should be done by SP (mod_shib / shibd)
- [PFS-2035] - Several encoding problems on web portal
- [PFS-2037] - Prevent delay and 404 page while creating support package
- [PFS-2038] - Saving account as admin removes email addresses
- [PFS-2039] - End-user process failure of adding an email address
- [PFS-2045] - Avoid duplicate folders when setting up multiple folders at once from client
- [PFS-2047] - Comments in Programm code is being displayed in PowerFolder web interface
- [PFS-2056] - Additional empty space in front of names in the folder list
- [PFS-2057] - Error message when adding users to organizations with not enough quote doesn't resolve organization
- [PFS-2058] - German translation missing for saving file links
- [PFS-2059] - Tooltip to create new documents is wrong
- [PFS-2060] - German translation missing for tooltips of table headings
- [PFS-2066] - Quota column need additional width
- [PFS-2067] - Validity field when sharing file links accepts dates in the past.
- [PFS-2068] - Skin selection in organizations should only be displayed for server admins
- [PFS-2072] - Users who were created through folder invitation are unable to set new password
- [PFS-2076] - News stream is broken
- [PFS-2079] - Browser is using old Avatar images from the cache
- [PFS-2086] - Prevent activation takeover attack
- [PFS-2087] - Prevent error when inactive LDAP connection has no search query set
- [PFS-2097] - WebDAV with Windows not working
- [PFS-2099] - Accounts API: Username Always Needed for Store Action
- [PFS-2107] - Button to upgrade storage is shown if shop URL is empty
- [PFS-2109] - Joining a folder from an invitation of a user from another organziation fails
- [PFS-2110] - Disable (my) organization app for resellers
- [PFS-2111] - Show/Mark own organization in organizations app
- [PFS-2112] - Summarize used storage space and users on organizations app
- [PFS-2118] - Fixed deleting organization on MSSQL server
- [PFS-2119] - Unable to delete user account with folders
- [PFS-2120] - Login field accepts leading and trailing blanks
- [PFS-2132] - Fixed loading of log entries on admin dashboard
- [PFS-2134] - Password reset notification not translated
- [PFS-2135] - ONLYOFFICE print function not working
- [PFS-2142] - Folders with identical name but separate owners are not displayed correctly
- [PFS-2143] - Unable to accept or decline folder-invitation from particular account
- [PFS-2147] - Correctly delete subdirectory contents in high traffic scenarios
- [PFS-2025] - Branding Center: Client
- [PFS-2036] - Reporting of Reseller using the API
- [PFS-2074] - Set quota from LDAP attribute
- [PFS-2081] - Adopt to Shibboleth / SAML IdP v3 for mobile
- [PFS-2104] - Enable accepting new folder shares in E-Mail template
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