PowerFolder Server 11 SP8
PowerFolder Server 11 SP8
Upgrade Information
- Please read the complete Release Notes before upgrading.
- The following steps have to be done before upgrading to this version:
- Linux: Please exchange the old PowerFolder-Server.sh file against the new one and add your customized settings into this new script.
- Windows: Please add the following settings in your wrapper.conf file located in %programdata%/PowerFolder
- The webserver can now get controlled manually. Please look at the new configuration entry. (web.threadpool.min, web.threadpool.max, web.acceptors)
- Please follow the regular upgrade documentation for Windows or Linux
- Upgrading any previous version is possible.
- Cluster: Running different versions on the servers in the cluster is supported but limited to version >= 11.5 when using LDAP.
- Federation API is incompatible to versions below 11.6. Please review our documentation before upgrading.
- For upgrading from a version < 11.4 please read the Upgrade information for the 11.4.565 release.
Mandatory checks before upgrading
- If using the federation new settings are in Preferences to activate the federation or the federated login.
- For the best user experience the update should be done on all federated services at the same time if possible.
- Check if your service is running on an URI. With version 11.7 this is not possible any longer. Only base DNS names are working.
Downgrade information (optional)
- In case a downgrade to a previous version is necessary:
- Version 11.6 is forward and backward compatible to older and newer versions.
- Simply replace the PowerFolder-Server.jar file with that from the previous version you would like to run.
- Downgrading to version 11.6 deactivates the federation functionality. To activate it you have to enable the setting server.federation.login_enabled in configuration file.
- When you are using LDAP authentication and downgrading below version 11.5:
- Enter your PowerFolder.config file before starting the server.
- Delete the entries LDAP.<index>.
- Delete the x in front of the old LDAP configuration entries.
- Log messages due to the higher schema version of database can be ignored:
[DatabaseMigrator]: Database layout version is newer than expected.
- PFS-3347 - Inivitations are not functioning in combination of PFC v14.5 and PFS v11.8
- Release date: Jun 2019
- Build Number: 11.8.4
- Type: Drop-In
- PFS-3299 - NPE during server evacuation CLOSED
- Release date: Apr 2019
- Build Number: 11.8.2
- Type: Drop-In
- [PFS-3288] - Files API: Restore time frame should match deleted date not last modified date of file
- [PFS-3284] - Analyze and speed up LDAP login
- Release date: Apr 2019
- Build Number: 11.8.3
- Type: Drop-In
- [PFS-3238] - Increase number of helper threads of database connection pool
- [PFS-3218] - Folder list loading takes too much time
- Release date: Mar 2019
- Build Number: 11.8.1
- Type: Drop-In
- [PFS-3197] - File restore API: Add parameter overwrite=false to skip existing files from bulk restore
- Release date: Feb 2019
- Build Number: 11.8.0
- Type: Drop-In
- [PFS-2579] - "Default profile requires a server" error message when saving a profile
- [PFS-2836] - Federation invite not possible to Shibboleth accounts
- [PFS-2933] - Federated invitations not possible for accounts only existing on LDAP server but not in database yet
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