PowerFolder Server 11 SP2
PowerFolder Server 11 SP2
PowerFolder Server 11 SP2 Release Notes
- Release date: Dec 2016
- Build number: 11.2.312
Upgrade information
- Please follow the regular upgrade documentation for Windows or Linux.
- No extra steps or configurations are required during this upgrade. Upgrading any previous version is possible.
- Cluster: Running different versions on the servers in the cluster in supported.
- Skins and E-Mail templates: No update required.
- Translations: Several new translations were added.
Database: Migration will be automatically performed (new schema version 153).
Windows:Please check/adopt file wrapper.conf regarding your memory configuration.
In case of WARN
log messages regarding database:
Please check if the indexes mentioned in the migration SQL script exist in your database.
If not: Manually execute the attached migration SQL script on your database: For PostgreSQL, MySQL, MS_SQL and ForeignKeys.
Downgrade information (optional)
- In case a downgrade to a previous version is necessary:
- Version 11.2 is forward and backward compatible to older and newer versions.
- Simply replace the PowerFolder.jar file with that from the previous version you would like to run.
- Log messages due to the higher schema version of database can be ignored:
[DatabaseMigrator]: Database layout version is newer than expected.
New documentation
- Threadpool configuration
Added new API Endpoints:
Added new configuration entry: database.connections.max
Default value: database.connections.max=500
Purpose: Configures the maximum number of SQL connections of this application server to the database server.
- PFS-1994 - Embedded encryption of files at rest at backend went from beta to stable
- PFS-2151 - Integration with Malware protection by Securepoint
- PFS-1147 - List entries in admin, organizations are now limited, sortable and search
- PFS-1280 - Do not create desktop shortcut on Server
- PFS-1957 - Automatic cleanup of duplicate folders
- PFS-1959 - Reduce logging when cleaning up timed out ONLYOFFICE sessions
- PFS-1978 - Register Dockerfile client/server to DOCKER HUB
- PFS-1998 - ONLYOFFICE Licensing - Count Users
- PFS-2033 - Throw runtime exception if database transaction fails
- PFS-2150 - Write current skin colors into Default.config in skin directory
- PFS-2154 - Option to switch ONLYOFFICE language
- PFS-2158 - Improve displayed information when creating documents or sub-folders
- PFS-2164 - Reduce WARN to INFO of message "Unable to authenticate user"
- PFS-2166 - Configurable max connections to database
- PFS-2167 - Accounts API: Add acction "merge" to merge two or more accounts
- PFS-2183 - Mark users as organization administrators on the user account list tab
- PFS-2188 - New custom (json) properties for organizations
- PFS-2192 - Create Testcase for OrganizationDAO#findByDomain
- PFS-2193 - Accounts API: Do not remove organizatzion if no organizationID parameter was passed
- PFS-2194 - Add organization name to deletion dialogue
- PFS-2195 - Select best server for recipient of invite when using dynamic folder mounting
- PFS-2199 - Proper creation of index of MySQL for long fields and FK index for PostgreSQL and MSSQL
- PFS-2200 - Reduce log warning regarding ReadWriteCache
- PFS-2211 - Avoid duplicate entries of computers/devices at My Account
- PFS-2220 - Optimize/Stabilize Folder Move
- PFS-2244 - Not execute login script when calling API
- PFS-2248 - New API actions for Account: setJSON and removeJSON
- PFS-2249 - Create Testcases for PathUtils#*Visitor methods
- PFS-2250 - New cluster distribution policy: by fewest folders
- PFS-2251 - Write server keep-alive information in meta-folder of maintenance folder
- PFS-1657 - Hardcoded exclude of .snapshot directories
- PFS-1719 - SSL Wizard now contains a checkbox to use existing key or upload a new one
- PFS-1847 - ONLYOFFICE can now open *.odt and *.odf files
- PFS-1922 - 0 byte files when operating in cluster
- PFS-1977 - Stickyness with load balancers not working for admin user
- PFS-2008 - Folder-invitations are not properly synchronized in cluster environment. Store invitations in database
- PFS-2045 - Avoid duplicate folders when setting up multiple folders at once from client
- PFS-2159 - Newly created documents will display wrong creation date
- PFS-2169 - Translation error when recovering the password
- PFS-2174 - Settings to open files in web revert back to default settings
- PFS-2191 - Group editor: Don't restrict search for accounts to group's organization if configured otherwise
- PFS-2196 - Server node online detection via storage is now more reliable
- PFS-2201 - Download link SSLWizard is not working
- PFS-2203 - New ONLYOFFICE documents have a date from September
- PFS-2206 - Invitations from the client don't arrive
- PFS-2207 - Unable to clear file history
- PFS-2210 - Fixed problem while comitting to database: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
- PFS-2216 - Unable to delete folder invitations to LDAP- or Shibboleth- Users
- PFS-2217 - Preference to open documents is changed after an update from 10.6 to 11.0
- PFS-2226 - Passwort protected links re-direct to internal hostname when accessing them in Chrome
- PFS-2237 - Download Links are no longer opening in Browser
- PFS-2242 - Unable to save preferences
- PFS-2243 - Server shutting down with error while migrating invitations
- PFS-2245 - Owner-invitation is not automatically deleted after accepting it
- PFS-2246 - Unable to upload files into encrypted-folders in web interface
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