Threadpool configuration

Threadpool configuration

Version 11.2 or higher

For Version 11.2+ there is a new VM variable:


Minimum number of workers in thread pool for scheduled tasks. The thread pool automatically extends if more workers are required to complete all tasks in a timely manner. The number of expected threads (active+idle) should average at 20 with peaks up to 1000 (e.g. during start).

Version 10.6

For Version 10.6. there is a new VM variable:


Fixed number of workers in thread pool for scheduled tasks (client)


Fixed number of workers in thread pool for scheduled tasks (server)

To be used as command line option, e.g. -Dpf.controller.threadpool.server.size=50 in PowerFolder-Server.sh start script.


  • Number of threads can be checked at Web/Logs/Threads/Remove filter
  • Threadpool threads have names starting with "Controller-Thread-"
  • Log messages regarding threadpool look like this: 
  • Scheduled threadpool status: Currently active threads 850/850