PowerFolder Client 10 SP2

PowerFolder Client 10 SP2

PowerFolder Client 10 SP2 Release Notes

Release date: May 2015

Build number: 10.2.128


[PFC-2652] - Folder rename sometimes does not work properly if renamed into previously existing folder name
[PFC-2654] - Preferences window can't be closed
[PFC-2687] - Option to start after logon returns invalid error message on Windows
[PFC-2689] - Desktop Sync option does not longer appears by default
[PFC-2705] - Auto-unlock of office files sometimes not working


[PFC-1937] - Get http-proxy settings from operating system configuration
[PFC-2440] - Improved Application icon under Mac OS X
[PFC-2522] - Remove the "Clean up" button on the Problems table
[PFC-2560] - Merge Advanced and Expert Mode
[PFC-2639] - Change setting for beginner, advanced and expert mode: Boil down into one checkbox: Show additional options
[PFC-2644] - Change texts and icon in Main window: "Folder noch nicht synchronisiert" -> "Überprüfe..."
[PFC-2682] - Option to prevent sharing of Linux / Windows network share
[PFC-2686] - Update LiferayNativity DLLs for Windows and change order of Context Menu Items
[PFC-2690] - Increase download speed of small files via Internet: queue 20 instead of 10 download per connected client
[PFC-2695] - Stop remote deletion process thread if device disconnects during runtime
[PFC-2700] - Move "Enable logging" to general preferences
[PFC-2704] - Add .partial and .crdownload files to default exclusions

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