PowerFolder Client 10 SP4

PowerFolder Client 10 SP4 Release Notes

Release date: Nov 2015

Build number: 10.4.321


[PFC-2332] - Select file in file browser when selecting file in "Recently used"
[PFC-2543] - More visible indicator in main window if password is incorrect
[PFC-2553] - Client now checks for free disk space before synchronizing
[PFC-2569] - Beautify linux systray icons
[PFC-2662] - Context menu->Stop sync on folder: Ask to remove all data from this device?
[PFC-2748] - Correct translation of german "Verlasse Folder" in context menu of Folder Lits
[PFC-2764] - More prominent handling of email attachments send via Outlook Add-In
[PFC-2779] - Reduce miss rate of FolderWatcher (inotify and NTFS filesystem events)
[PFC-2781] - Change name of "AGB" to "Nutzungsrichtlinien" in German translation for TOS
[PFC-2784] - Use default transfer mode for new folders found in basedir
[PFC-2793] - Rename function to mark new files as read
[PFC-2796] - Only show spinning icon when files are transfered
[PFC-2797] - Don't prompt for server URL if not connected to network on startup
[PFC-2801] - Disable client license check by default


[PFC-2568] - Tiny wizzard cuts off links
[PFC-2627] - Windows Explorer crashes on right-click drive
[PFC-2708] - Shortcuts to folders outside the default folder path disappear after a client restart
[PFC-2715] - Fixes for network broadcast on Mac
[PFC-2727] - PowerFolder context menu missing
[PFC-2750] - Client crashes on MacOS X: Upgrade JRE to 1.8 update 40+
[PFC-2761] - Outlook Plugin: Save E-Mail in Mailfolder while uploading attachments to PF Server
[PFC-2765] - Cannot proceed to web through client
[PFC-2767] - Sync is functional after ignoring terms of service (TOS)
[PFC-2768] - Handle message "Received folder changes on XXXX, but not received the full filelist"
[PFC-2770] - Supress new folder notifications on folder rename by client
[PFC-2772] - Linux tarball README has some errors
[PFC-2774] - German umlaut in terms of license are shown correctly
[PFC-2789] - Build and compile in java 8 (1.8) format
[PFC-2795] - First login attempt fails after installing PowerFolder for the first time
[PFC-2799] - NPE during Shibboleth login when using device tokens