PowerFolder Server 14 SP1
- Release Date: 14. Jan 2019
- Build Number: 14.1.0
- Type: Service Pack
Upgrade Information
- Please read the complete Release Notes before upgrading.
- Please follow the regular upgrade documentation for Windows or Linux
- Upgrading any previous version is possible. It is recommended to update from version 11.7.
- Cluster: Running different versions on the servers in the cluster is supported but limited to version >= 14.1
Downgrade information (optional)
- In case a downgrade to a previous version is necessary:
- For a downgrade you have to review our downgrade documentation since version 14.1 is not downgrade compatible by default.
- Simply replace the PowerFolder-Server.jar file with that from the previous version you would like to run.
- Please keep in mind to insert your old branding.
- Log messages due to the higher schema version of database can be ignored:
[DatabaseMigrator]: Database layout version is newer than expected.
- [PFS-2614] - Upgrade Jetty from 8 to 9
- [PFS-2741] - Login speed for systems with many registered users improved
- [PFS-2771] - Improve reaction time of Web-Service after every 5-10 minutes
- [PFS-2901] - Documentation for API in Picasso
- [PFS-2791] - Build script to fix activity database for MSSQL 2012
- [PFS-2841] - Remove empty FileList log message or move to FINE loglevel
- [PFS-2896] - Add config entry for interval of FileRequestor
- [PFS-2914] - Remove link of organization displayed in my account
- [PFS-2919] - Rename config entry PFS-2175.enabled to organization.admin.restrict
- [PFS-2922] - Disable uploading of folder structures
- [PFS-2923] - Remove upload form creation
- [PFS-2993] - Load favicon from branding directory if avalaible
- [PFS-2994] - Add CSV import button to accounts table
- [PFS-2606] - SSLTools is continously watching for new ssl certificates
- [PFS-2689] - Folder ownership can be passed without receiving user accepting
- [PFS-2725] - Chain certificates for SSL are not imported into the keystore
- [PFS-2794] - Web interface stops when cluster nodes are offline
- [PFS-2796] - Federation should not show up in menu on left side when deactivated
- [PFS-2819] - Correctly migrate from Scheme version 162 to 163 on MSSQL 2012
- [PFS-2845] - Deleting one email address deletes all others except one
- [PFS-2846] - Deleting a single mail results in deleting all mail addresses
- [PFS-2847] - Adding several mail addresses result in errror messages while confirming those
- [PFS-2848] - Users are unable to add more than one email address
- [PFS-2852] - Bottom links cannot be reached in main menu
- [PFS-2881] - Data type of account activation data is date instead datetime after migration
- [PFS-2883] - Users are unable to change their password on My Account
- [PFS-2886] - organization.admin.restrict is restricting organization admins too much
- [PFS-2888] - Quota in Default.config is ignored
- [PFS-2890] - OrganizationAPI addAdmin function only throws MissingArgumentException
- [PFS-2911] - Files are not deleted immediately in the web
- [PFS-2913] - Deleting last file in the upload window results in wrong file upload
- [PFS-2918] - Edit button on organization dashboard has no function
- [PFS-2920] - Own account can be set as inactive
- [PFS-2921] - (Organization) Administrators cannot create folder for accounts
- [PFS-2931] - Organization admins still can delete the admin permission
- [PFS-2964] - Uploading folderstructure only working for folders without subfolders.
- [PFS-2996] - Invite field is displayed in share dialog of files and subdirectories
- [PFS-3010] - Web interface cannot be started if net.bind.address not set