Compatibility between v14.1 and prior versions

Compatibility between v14.1 and prior versions

In Server version 14.1 our webserver module got updated. The new version is not compatible to run with older versions in cluster environments since the new webserver uses other database tables.

Downgrade to prior v. 14.1

This restricts a cluster after an upgrade to this version and above. If a downgrade is necesary there are some steps that has to be done in your database:

  1. Stop all cluster nodes.
  2. Open a connection to your database to execute queries.
  3. Execute the following query:
    1. For mysql: DROP TABLE databasename.JettySessions;
    2. For PostgreSQL: DROP TABLE databasename.jettysessions;
    3. For MSSQL: DROP TABLE databasename.JettySessions;
  4. Downgrade a cluster node to a version prior 14.1 and start it. The webserver will autmoaticaly generate its own old tables JettySessions and JettySessionIds.
  5. Downgrade all other cluster nodes and start them.

After you have done this your server can run with the older version again. Please keep in mind, that an update to the new version requires to delete the older tables in your database again and replace them with the single table JettySessions. Please review our next guide to upgrade to this version again.

Important: The new JettySessions table is using other rows and other primary keys than the old one. This is the reason, why the older version is not compatible to the new version. You can identify which table is existing at the moment due to checking the primary key of the JettySessions table.

Old primary key (v14.0 and below): RowID

New primary key (v14.1 and higher): sessionId, contextPath, virtualHost

Upgrade to v 14.1 after a downgrade

If you already upgraded to version 14.1 and downgraded for any reason you have to do some steps to get your server back to work again with the new version. (This is not nescecary if you upgrade to version 14.1 for the first time)

  1. Stop all nodes.
  2. Open a connection to your database to execute queries.
  3. Execute the following query:
    1. For MySQL: DROP TABLE databasename.JettySessions; DROP TABLE databasename.JettySessionIds;
    2. For PostgrSQL: DROP TABLE databasename.jettysessions; DROP TABLE databasename.jettysessionids;
    3. For SQL Server: DROP TABLE datbasename.JettySessions; DROP TABLE databasename.JettySessionIds;
  4. Upgrade one cluster node and start it again. After the server started completely you will have the new JettySessions table again.
  5. Upgrade all other nodes and start them.

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