System Migration Guide

System Migration Guide

Migrating Linux based Servers

This guide describes how to migrate PowerFolder Server from Linux based operating system to another one.

1. Before you start

Some points to note:

  1. Please check the minimum requirements on the target system, which are necessary to install and run PowerFolder Server. Further details can be read on the Server System Requirements page.
  2. Some anti-virus or internet security solutions may interfere with the installation/migration of PowerFolder Server. If you encounter any problems in that regards, we recommend to disable your anti-virus solution temporarily until the installation is finished.

2. Update the source system

Before migrating user data and settings, the existing installation should be updated to the latest version available. Please follow our Upgrade Guide for Linux.

3. Install on the target system

After upgrading the source system to the latest version, the same version can be installed on the target system. Please follow our Installation Guide for Linux.

4. Migrate data and settings  

When migrating PowerFolder Server the following objects need to copied to the target system:

  • Server data and settings
  • Server Maintenance Folder
  • User data / folders

(warning) Please note: Before proceeding, please stop PowerFolder Server on both the source and target system!

Copy the server data and settings

All configuration settings and server data is stored under the path below:

  • /home/<username>/.PowerFolder

Copy the whole directory from the location on the source system to the corresponding location on the target system.

Copy the Server Maintenance Folder

The server creates a Server Maintenance Folder to store various data for client access. It is stored under the path below:

  • /home/<username>/PowerFolders/server_maintenance

Copy the whole directory from the location on the source system to the corresponding location on the target system.

If the path to the Server Maintenance Folder will change on the new system, you have to apply that change to the the Server Configuration File:

With external database

When using an external database like MySQL you find the folder configuration within the table FolderSettings.

  1. Please check the Server Configuration File. There should be an entry like the one below:


    Please write down the folder_id, since you will need it in the next step.

  2. Search for the folder_id mentioned in that entry within the PowerFolder-Folder.config file. You will find some entries entries which look like the ones below:

    f.<folder_identifier>.syncprofile=true,true,true,true,1,false,12,1,m,Auto sync,true
  3. Change the f.<folder_identifier>.dir variable value to reflect the path to the new location of the Server Maintenance Folder on the target system. 

Copy the user data / folders

(info) This step is only necessary if the folders managed by PowerFolder Server reside on local storage on the source system (e.g. in the default storage path configured in the server's preferences). If the folders were located on network storage and were referenced via UNC path, you just have to make sure, that those shares are accessible from the target system.

To check where your folders reside there are several possibilities:

  • Login to the web interface as an admin and click on Preferences > Storage > Storage. The Default storage path defines the default location, where new folders will be created.
  • Open the Server Configuration File and search for the System Migration Guide#foldersbase variable. The System Migration Guide#foldersbase parameter is the actual value defined in the Default storage path field mentioned above.
  • Open the PowerFolder-Folder.config file and check where each single folders are located. Each folder managed by PowerFolder Server has an entry with its location in this file. Here is an example how those entries look like:

    f.<folder_identifier>.name=Example Folder
    f.<folder_identifier>.syncprofile=true,true,true,true,1,false,12,1,m,Auto sync,true

     The entry defining the location of the folder would be the f.<folder_identifier>.dir variable. <folder_identifier> is a value which is generated for the folder and is different for each folder.

Now we recommend to copy all folders from the source system to the exact same location on the target system. (warning) If you need to change the location for some reason, you need to apply those changes to the value of the f.<folder_identifier>.dir variable for each folder where the location will change! If all folders were located in the same location, e.g. using the default folder path, using a search and replace function to replace just the first part of the dir might be the most convenient way.

5. Start PowerFolder Server

(tick) At this stage PowerFolder Server is installed and all necessary things have been copied to the (new) target system. Now you can start the PowerFolder Server.

(info) Please watch the Support Package to check for any possible errors. If you encounter errors, check our troubleshooting documentation to check for reasons and solutions.

6. Configure URL and hostname changes

Since clients activate and pull their default configuration via the web interface, it needs to be ensured that they reach the web interface using the same URL than before. Otherwise the server URL has to be changed in every client's preferences.

To apply hostname changes in PowerFolder Server:

  1. If the hostname / URL changes, please login to the web interface as an admin with a browser from the local server using the URL<port> (<port> has to be replaced by the port number PowerFolder was configured to listen on). The server will always check if it can reach itself using the hostname configured, therefore it will fall back to localhost / when the self-connection test fails, so the admin can apply possible hostname changes.

  2. After logging into the web interface, click on Preferences > Network Settings > Hostname and Port and change the hostname value to the new name of the host.

  3. PowerFolder Server requires a restart after the hostname has been changed. It will request the restart automatically.

(warning) Please note: The above hostname change requires either a forward from the old hostname to the new hostname for the clients to find the server or changing the server URL in the client preferences as mentioned before.

Migrating Windows based Servers

This guide describes how to migrate PowerFolder Server from Windows based operating system to another one.

1. Before you start

Some points to note:

  1. Please check the minimum requirements on the target system, which are necessary to install and run PowerFolder Server. Further details can be read on the Server System Requirements page.
  2. Some anti-virus or internet security solutions may interfere with the installation/migration of PowerFolder Server. If you encounter any problems in that regards, we recommend to disable your anti-virus solution temporarily until the installation is finished.

2. Update the source system

Before migrating user data and settings, the existing installation should be updated to the latest version available. Please follow our Upgrade Guide for Windows.

3. Install on the target system

After upgrading the source system to the latest version, the same version can be installed on the target system. Please follow our Installation Guide for Windows.

(Warnung) If you had PowerFolder Server running under a dedicated user account before (e.g. when accessing network shares or mounts), please make sure you are using the same account for the Windows service on the target system as well, otherwise PowerFolder Server may run into problems accessing your network shares.

4. Migrate data and settings  

When migrating PowerFolder Server the following objects need to copied to the target system:

  • Server data and settings
  • Server Maintenance Folder
  • User data / folders

(Warnung) Please note: Before proceeding, please stop PowerFolder Server on both the source and target system!

Copy the server data and settings

All configuration settings and server data is stored under the path below

  • Windows 7/8/2008 R2: C:\ProgramData\PowerFolder\

Copy the whole directory from the location on the source system to the corresponding location on the target system. (Warnung) Please take care you are using the correct path matching your target operating system.

Copy the Server Maintenance Folder

The server creates a Server Maintenance Folder to store various data for client access. It is stored under the path below

  • Windows 7/8/2008/2008 R2: C:\ProgramData\PowerFolder\PowerFolders\server_maintenance

Copy the whole directory from the location on the source system to the corresponding location on the target system. (Warnung) Please take care you are using the correct path matching your target operating system.

If the path to the Server Maintenance Folder will change on the new system, e.g. due to operating system version change, you have to apply that change to the the PowerFolder-Folder.config file:

With external database

When using an external database like MySQL you find the folder configuration within the table FolderSettings.

  1. Please check the Server Configuration File. There should be an entry like the one below:


    Please write down the folder_id, since you will need it in the next step.

  2. Search for the folder_id mentioned in that entry within the PowerFolder-Folder.config file. You will find some entries which look like the ones below:

    f.<folder_identifier>.dir=C:\\ProgramData\\PowerFolder\\service\\PowerFolders\\Server maintenance
    f.<folder_identifier>.syncprofile=true,true,true,true,1,false,12,1,m,Auto sync,true
  3. Change the f.<folder_identifier>.dir variable value to reflect the path to the new location of the Server Maintenance Folder on the target system. 

Copy the user data / folders

(Info) This step is only necessary if the folders managed by PowerFolder Server reside on local storage on the source system (e.g. in the default storage path configured in the server's preferences). If the folders were located on network storage and were referenced via UNC path, you just have to make sure, that those shares are accessible from the target system.

To check where your folders reside there are several possibilities:

  • Login to the web interface as an admin and click on Preferences > General. The Default storage path defines the default location, where new folders will be created.
  • Open the Server Configuration File and search for the System Migration Guide#foldersbase variable. The System Migration Guide#foldersbase parameter is the actual value defined in the Default storage path field mentioned above.
  • Open the PowerFolder-Folder.config file and check where each single folders are located. Each folder managed by PowerFolder Server has an entry with its location in this file. Here is an example how those entries look like:

    f.<folder_identifier>.dir=D:\\PowerFolders\\Example User\\Example Folder
    f.<folder_identifier>.name=Example Folder
    f.<folder_identifier>.syncprofile=true,true,true,true,1,false,12,1,m,Auto sync,true

     The entry defining the location of the folder would be the f.<folder_identifier>.dir variable. <folder_identifier> is a value which is generated for the folder and is different for each folder.

Now we recommend to copy all folders from the source system to the exact same location on the target system. (Warnung) If you need to change the location for some reason, you need to apply those changes to the value of the f.<folder_identifier>.dir variable for each folder where the location will change! If all folders were located in the same location, e.g. using the default folder path, using a search and replace function to replace just the first part of the dir might be the most convenient way.

 (Warnung) When copying the folder directories to the target system, please make sure that you copy the whole directory, not just mark it contents as you may miss the hidden meta and archive data, which is located in the .PowerFolder directory in each folders root. This .PowerFolder directory is marked with the hidden and system filesystem flags and therefore isn't shown by default in Windows Explorer. When selecting and copying the whole folder directory however, even hidden and system files under it will be copied.

5. Start PowerFolder Server

(Haken) At this stage PowerFolder Server is installed and all necessary things have been copied to the (new) target system. Now you can start the Windows system service for PowerFolder Server.

(Info) Please watch the Support Package to check for any possible errors. If you encounter errors, check our troubleshooting documentation to check for reasons and solutions.

6. Configure URL and hostname changes

Since clients activate and pull their default configuration via the web interface, it needs to be ensured that they reach the web interface using the same URL than before. Otherwise the server URL has to be changed in every client's preferences.

To apply hostname changes in PowerFolder Server:

  1. If the hostname / URL changes, please login to the web interface as an admin with a browser from the local server using the URL<port> (<port> has to be replaced by the port number PowerFolder was configured to listen on). The server will always check if it can reach itself using the hostname configured, therefore it will fall back to localhost / when the self-connection test fails, so the admin can apply possible hostname changes.

  2. After logging into the web interface, click on Preferences > General and change the hostname value to the new name of the host.

  3. PowerFolder Server requires a restart after the hostname has been changed. It will request the restart automatically.

(Warnung) Please note: The above hostname change requires either a forward from the old hostname to the new hostname for the clients to find the server or changing the server URL in the client preferences as mentioned before.


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