Support Package

Support Package

Sending support package to PowerFolder support

With the introduction of PowerFolder Picasso v14, an additional function was built in PowerFolder web admin interface under Logs-Tab present in the tasklist on the left panel. Our focus here is to optimize the communication between us and our customers, therefore please send support package if requested by our support. Accessing the support package happens in few steps:

  1. Access the respective web interface of PowerFolder in web browser
  2. Login as Admin
  3. Click on Logs-Tab located in the left panel
  4. Click on the "Strethoscope" on the top-left corner in the page
  5. When executed you will be forwarded to the download link 
  6. Proceed with downloading and sending the support package 

(Warnung)Please note: Generating the support package link could take about 40 seconds, so please have patience and do not close the browser.

4723pxLog files location on Windows operating systems

On Windows operating systems the PowerFolder Server log files are located in one of the following directories:

  • Windows 7 / 8 / 2008 R2 / 2012 / 2012 R2: <System Drive>\ProgramData\PowerFolder\logs

(Warnung) Please note: ProgramData is a hidden directorie. Make sure you have enabled to view hidden files and directories in the Windows Explorer settings!

Wrapper log files location on Windows operating system

  • Windows 7 / 8 / 2008 R2 / 2012 / 2012 R2:<System Drive>\Program Files (x86)\PowerFolder.com\PowerFolder-Server

(Warnung) Please note: The above displayed installation directory is the default location.

Log files location on Linux / Unix operating systems

On Linux / Unix operating systems the PowerFolder Server log files are located here:

  • /home/<user>/.PowerFolder/logs

Sending log files to PowerFolder Support

When our support requests the log files of PowerFolder Server, please make sure you include the log files from the date on which the problem occurred. Please also restart the server and send us the log file from the current date to check if there are any configuration problems. Those problems will mostly only occur, when the server is being restarted


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