End-User Orgs: Changes and Termination

End-User Orgs: Changes and Termination


Partners has now the possibility to make the changes in the end-user organizations or order new ones.


The changes can be anytime in the month and will be charged only one time at the end of the month, according to the last changes made.


New End-User Org

New user order can directly be placed using partner portal, please use button to create a new org, give the name of the end-user, the partner admin is automatically the admin of the end-user org.

Standard order is two users and 1 TB storage.

User Licences

User licences can be increased or decreased as per need.


Storage can be updated directly as partner admin.

In case of downgrade of the booked storage, please make sure that the data is saved by end-user or partner and deleted from cloud, in case of data lost, we are not responsible and unable to recover any data.


Partners can terminate the end-user org anytime during the month, this will be applicable only end of the month, also a reactivation is possible.


Reactivation of a terminated org is possible in 2–3 days, can also be done in the partner portal.

Partner can only reactivate the end-user org, when this is not completely deleted from backend, after the grace period, reactivation is not possible and also the org is not listed in the organization list:

Terminated orgs has an expiry date as shown below:

The terminated orgs are deleted automatically from backend with data and user details.

When a user org is not present in the org list, we are unable to recover it and its data, so please make sure that you do this on your own responsibility.

After reactivation in the given time, the user org is available as always and can be used afterwards.

PowerFolder sales team will be automatically notified about your done changes, in case of further assistance, please use our sales-portal.

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