Network Drive Client
The client can now be run in network drive only mode, which means it does not sync the folders to the local computer, but makes them available via networked drive/path. This is useful for PC Pools with direct network connectivity, Virtual desktop environments or when there is insufficient space on the local computer to sync all data from the cloud. To enable this feature, please add the following registry entry:
In case you run a branded client edition, make sure to add your distribution name to the path:
Note: Even without this registry entry, the regular client setup asks the user what to do, in case there is insufficient space on the local computer to sync all files from the cloud:
Manually select folders to sync
Select a different location/drive to sync folders to
Access folders online via networked drive
By setting the new registry entry, the client is forced to only make files available via networked drive/path.
Example registry entries:
Branded Client (Hessenbox):