DEPassive Client

DEPassive Client

This document describes how to configure a passive client, which not actively syncs files, but offers the user file-explorer context-menu integration, such as right-click->Share link. This is useful for installation on virtual desktops, where the client has access to file shares via UNC, but does not need to replicate files to a local disk.


  1. It's recommend to use KERBEROS SSO for the best end-user experience for the client installed at the virtual desktop. Please refer to our documentation for setup.
  2. In Web-Admin portal: Create a new profile in the web-admin portal (e.g. "Example"), with the folders the clients/users should sync (e.g. "Documents" and "Stuff")
  3. On the server: Export the folders created by the profile on the server as UNC shares including a %username% placeholder. e.g \\CIFSServer\cfn01$\cfn01\%username%\Documents

Adjust Profile

  1. On the server: Go to the server_maintenance folder into the subdirectory "client_deployment".
  2. Edit the profile file (e.g. Example.config) you previously created with a text editor. Add the following lines:


This setting advises the client to use the given UNC path as base-path. Subdirectories of this UNC path will be automatically setup at the client determined by the name/filesystem path given the profile, e.g. \\CIFSServer\cfn01$\cfn01\%username%\Documents

Note: Quardruple (\\\\) and Double (\\) backslashes have to be used.



This setting advises the client to use the default base-path in case the UNC path is not available for clients outside the datacenter. Typically C:\%userhome%\PowerFolders


unc.transfer.mode=false,false,false,false,0,false,12,0,m,Manual Sync,false

Advises the client to disable the synchronization process when folders are setup on UNC paths.


3. Erase all transfer mode settings from existing folders. Check for lines like

f.Documents.syncprofile=true,true,true,true,1,false,12,1,m,Auto Sync,true

and remove the part after the equals (=) to



Now run clients with version higher than 9.3.138:

  1. Check the client functionality when installed INSIDE the datacenter on the Virtual desktop
  2. Check the client functionality when installed OUTSIDE the datacenter on an external PC.


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