iOS App: Working with your folders

iOS App: Working with your folders

Folders overview

Folders overview is the homepage of the app that is reached after the successful user login, in this page the existing folders are seen with their information and settings along with new folders can be created and shared with the members.

Creating a new Folder

For creating new folder click on the "+" button on the top-right of the homepage

Folder Actions

The actions on the folders and files are available after clicking on the "↓" button in front of the respective folders, and are described below:


Folders can be renamed as per wish

Delete from Server

After deletion of a folder and file through this action cause the deletion direct from the server

Download to Device

Folders and files are available live from the cloud and is synced always between the device and cloud. There is also a option available that the user can download the data in the device and use it locally.

After downloading the folder or file there is a (tick) before the folder symbol and it means that the data is available in the local device

This data can also be deleted only from the device by repeating the same procedure as for downloading, in this case is the color of the arrow in the folder symbol changes from green to grey

After doing so the folder and file is only deleted from the device but it will be still available in the cloud

Folder Information

Various information are delivered along with the folder in the homepage

Adding Content

Clicking on the "+" button in a folder can add content to a folder such as new Directory, take photo or upload a photo

Creating new Directory

This is the new sub-folder that can be created inside the folder

Take Photo

Photos can be taken directly in the app and synced to the server, user must have to make sure that the camera from the device allow PowerFolder to do so

Upload Photos

Photos can be uploaded directly from the device storage

Sorting inside a Folder

Sorting in a folder can be taken place in various manners as per need of the user, the different ways to sort data are given below:

Sorting by Name

The data is sorted alphabetically

Sorting by Date

The data is sorted with the help of date- and time-stamps, the new added data in this case is always in top of the list

Sorting by Size

The data is sorted with the help of the occupied space of individual files for sub-folders on the server / device in descending order

List and Grid view

The sub-folders and files can be viewed in both list and grid view.

List view

All of the data is shown in displayed in list view as default and can be changed by clicking on the "change view tab" in the bottom of the page

Grid view

The grid view has a advantage that all of the data is viewed directly in the app (e.g. photos), this can be changed into list view by simply reverting the above explained step

File Options

These option are same in function as that of the folder, here is the user able to share the files with members, create and manage the share links

File Actions

Various actions can be made on the files such as rename, delete and download

Files Download

After downloading the files in the device there is a (tick) before the file symbol

After a file (e.g photo) is successfully downloaded in the device, can be viewed directly in the app instead of file viewer from the device


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Working with your folders

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