Wiederherstellen von Versionen

Wiederherstellen von Versionen

 This article explains how to restore file versions of files which have been changed or deleted by a an other member or device. The client offers two different wizards, depending on the fact if you selected one or multiple file.

In both scenarios please activate the advanced settings in the preferences of the client.

Restoring a single file versions

The wizard to restore single files offers the possibility to select from a number of previous versions instead of just restoring the last version. Furthermore it can restore a file version to an alternative location instead of overwriting the current file.

To restore a single file:

  1. Click on Show Folders in the main window.
  2. Click on the folder in which you want to restore files.
  3. Click on the Files tab in the panel which opened up to the right of the main window.
  4. Browse through your folder structure and click on the file you want to restore a previous version from. Then click on Restore.
    (Info) Restoring deleted files: If the file has not been overwritten with a new version, but has been deleted, you have to set the file list filter above the filesystem navigation to Deleted files first.
  5. In the wizard popping up click on the version you want to restore.
  6. Once you have selected the version you can choose to overwrite the existing version restoring the the file to the original location or restore the file to an alternative location. Please make your choice and click on Next.
  7. (Haken) Done. The file should have been restored to the location specified. If you restored the file to the original location, this change will be propagated to all other folder members as well. 


Restoring multiple file versions

The wizard to restore multiple files is limited to just restore the latest version of the files which have been selected before. Furthermore it always overwrites the current files, means in contrary to the single file restore wizard it doesn't offer the possibility to restore to an alternative location.

To restore multiple files at once:

  1. Click on Show Folders in the main window.
  2. Click on the folder in which you want to restore files.
  3. Click on the Files tab in the panel which opened up to the right of the main window.
  4. Browse through your folder structure and click on the file you want to restore a previous version from. Then click on Restore.
    (Daumen hoch) Selecting multiple files: To select multiple files you can hold down the Ctrl-key while clicking on each file to include in the selection.
    (Info) Restoring deleted files: If the file has not been overwritten with a new version, but has been deleted, you have to set the file list filter above the filesystem navigation to Deleted files first.
  5. In the wizard popping up verify the versions which will be restored and click on Next.
  6. (Haken) Done. The current file should have been replaced with the latest version available.