Space.Cloud.Unit - Cloud marketplace

Space.Cloud.Unit - Cloud marketplace


SCU's vision is to develop and market the simplest and most user-friendly cloud construction kit in the world based on blockchain technology.

Imagine a world, in which every person and every company can easily, automatically and securely manage and change their cloud storage according to their own wishes. You could also align the entire process to the most favorable offer and get an individualized solution for your needs. This scenario shall soon become reality. We achieve the basic principles of SCU - flexibility, independence, security - through the use of blockchain technology, making the Space.Cloud.Unit marketplace the world's first and only trading platform for cloud storage that is completely secure and free of conventional markets thanks to its decentralized operation. This gives users the possibility to offer or call up storage offers freely and automated, according to his wishes. Providers benefit from the automated invoice and its payment as an additional market advantage. The SCU platform will revolutionize the way cloud services are booked and used. It will enable companies as well as private users to get their individualized cloud storage with flexible contracts at the best price. Our unique cloud storage platform based on blockchain technology connects customers directly (peer-to-peer) with the right cloud storage provider. This enables maximum individuality and flexibility, as well as automated processing of all cloud storage adjustments and contract modalities.



SCU's mission is to make cloud storage available easy, flexible and secure at all times to minimize the effort required to manage the enterprise data storage infrastructure.

SCU will simplify booking processes, implement transparent service functions and provide flexible booking and management capabilities for a wide range of currently connected cloud storage providers worldwide. In order to realize the vision of a cloud that can be freely configured for each user, the Space.Cloud.Unit team is working on an open-source blockchain marketplace that can freely connect providers and users according to their individual wishes. Transactions recorded on the Ethereum blockchain ensure complete security, transparency and automation of the entire contract process – from finding the right provider to using the storage. An integrated modular principle allows each user to put together his or her individual dream cloud and simply change it as required.

One interface for everything

There are many different cloud storage providers worldwide with different Service Level Agreements (SLAs). Up to now, there have been few ways to adapt cloud storage to user needs (e.g. in the area of compliance in different business units). Largely rigid contract models and management overhead present companies with unnecessary challenges in cloud-based data storage. Further, the current offer is strongly centralized by the four largest providers and thus an interesting target for hacker attacks. SCU will create a distributed solution using blockchain technology to protect the system against external attacks.

Why Blockchain?

SCU uses state-of-the-art blockchain technology and smart contracts to realize its mission and provide security and transparency to its users.

We decided to implement the SCU marketplace on a distributed system like the blockchain because we believe that such a system offers more possibilities than a centralized one. Transparency and a comfortable user experience, with the possibility to make individual adjustments is an absolute key requirement for our team. Furthermore, as private individuals, we are passionate supporters of the blockchain technology and see this community as early adopters of a new economic system, in which old structures are gradually broken up and improved by a new technology. In our view, the blockchain delivers exactly the building blocks that make our cloud marketplace unique. A complete transparency of payment transactions enables the entire payment cycle between customer and SCU to be displayed and orders and deliveries to be tracked. Moreover, the cryptographic architecture makes it virtually impossible for hackers to manipulate the marketplace. The digital contracts (smart contracts) implemented on the blockchain are used to secure the service, which can be checked for validity by every participant in the network and thus offer additional security. Since the blockchain is operated locally by several thousand users simultaneously, georedundant storage is also available for our marketplace. These and other aspects lead to the decision to implement the marketplace on this technological basis.

Why should I buy Space.Cloud.Unit Tokens?

➢ A strong team of selected experts enable us to create a successful product launch and its distribution
➢ Liquidity through buying, selling or making use of the SCU tokens
➢ Invest in a start-up, resulting in low incidental investment costs
➢ SCU builds on the already existing PowerFolder systems, company and expertise
➢ Invest in an established growth market
➢ With proof-of-service we have developed a consensus hybrid model to guarantee the preservation of the services offered to our users
➢ The crypto-economic design of the SCU token as a utility token allows fast network effects
➢ As a verifier who randomly checks the services of cloud providers, any user of the marketplace, excluding the providers, can earn passive income in form of SCU tokens
➢ We count on our community and take feedback seriously

App screenshots


Proof of Service

The user supplies the verifiers in the network with data for validation. The storage providers must fulfill a proof-of-service, i.e. provide proof that they have actually stored and made available the data according to the agreed criteria. The verifiers can check that the data has also been saved as described in the Smart Contract. If these proofs are successful, an automatic payment to the storage provider is triggered by the verifier. Otherwise, no payment is triggered, that is, the user does not pay for services not performed (loss). If a contract guarantee fee has also been agreed, this will be paid to the user pro rata in the event of a failure.


Copyright 2018-2021 SCU GmbH, Niederlöricker Str. 62 40667 Meerbusch, DE

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