PowerFolder Server 10 SP2 Release Notes
Release date: May 2015
Build number: 10.2.128
[PFS-1348] - SSL now correctly works with SHA-2 hashed certificates
[PFS-1505] - ONLYOFFICE document doesn't reflect latest changes due to caching
[PFS-1535] - Saving profiles leads to response "Object Object"
[PFS-1547] - Overwrite existing settings in WebGUI responds buggy
[PFS-1553] - Request to the FilesAPIServlet result in a not found error
[PFS-1579] - Video Player playlist not longer overlaps video in non-fullscreen mode and play button
[PFS-1585] - Files can now be accessed using WebDAV
[PFS-1586] - Folder invite via Mobile Web Interface results in Server Error 500
[PFS-1587] - Restricting IP address range for admin login doesn't work for API
[PFS-1591] - File actions broken after using table view button
[PFS-1594] - Avatar upload function does no longer accept non-picture uploads
[PFS-1596] - Session Cookie is missing Flags Secure and HttpOnly
[PFS-1597] - Files API allows manipulating files by read only users
[PFS-1600] - WebDAV accepts XSS
[PFS-1607] - Group: Auto-complete organization not longer shows "undefinied"
[PFS-1608] - Merging LDAP accounts doesn't work when logging in with the username instead of email
[PFS-1620] - Uploading a big file via a slow connection, a timeout hits
[PFS-1621] - Option to restrict IP address ranges for admin login doesn't work with multiple X-Forwarded-For IPs
[PFS-1622] - Rename button description for gallery button in German
[PFS-1625] - Erratic folder rename detection results in data loss
[PFS-1630] - Gateway timeout in cluster when entering password for getting file link download
[PFS-1632] - Server loses folders which created by Profiles
[PFS-1637] - Reverse proxy problem on POST requests with parameters
[PFS-1638] - Broken Folders API
[PFS-1639] - Broken folders API for setPermission
[PFS-1642] - Stalled/Exhausted server connections aka "client sync problem"
[PFS-504] - Account manages Group (GroupAdmin)
[PFS-1351] - Remove requirement for server node for public IP
[PFS-1446] - Mapping of Users/Accounts to StoragePath/Volume
[PFS-1453] - Enable online viewer by default for pictures (Gallery), audio/music (Player), video (Player), PDFs and text files
[PFS-1458] - ONLYOFFICE: By default offer to open files in cloud at docapi.powerfolder.com
[PFS-1461] - Show locking status of files in web
[PFS-1482] - LDAP import from openLDAP
[PFS-1527] - Remove fallback port usage
[PFS-1533] - Online-Activation: Translation of feedback messages
[PFS-1540] - Configuration to enable/disable social network URLs
[PFS-1554] - Prevent passing ownership to user with 0 GB quota
[PFS-1567] - Add password recovery link to Online-Activation page
[PFS-1584] - Add LDAP import filter for LDAP 2 + 3
[PFS-1589] - Update the Groups Avatar image
[PFS-1592] - Account edit: Disable password field for non-database users (Shib, LDAP RADIUS)
[PFS-1602] - Login as not longer available, when admin access to user folder's is disallowed
[PFS-1603] - Dashboard: Configuration entry to display "logical" storage limit
[PFS-1610] - Add info text to file link download page
[PFS-1626] - Reduce logging: Hide LDAP groups in log on login
[PFS-1627] - Remove unneeded CSS entries and provide apple touch icon for all skins
[PFS-1643] - Apply password policy
[PFS-1651] - Read only user support for ONLYOFFICE
[PFS-1197] - Italian translation of web portal and client
[PFS-1619] - Custom mapping of LDAP fields