- Release date: Jan. 2018
- Build Number: 11.5.625
- Type: Drop-In
- PowerFolder Clients
- Branded Clients (authentication needed)
Upgrade Information
- No extra steps or configurations are required during this upgrade.
- Upgrading any previous version is possible.
- Clients are compatible with each other from any version.
- In case a downgrade to a previous version is necessary:
- Version 11.5 is forward and backward compatible to older and newer versions.
- It is not advised to use the setup of the older clients because of the older Java version. Please only replace the PowerFolder.jar in the program directory.
- [PF-962] - Problems loading skin from branded installation fixed
- [PF-920] - Mac Client Developer-Signature fixed
- Release date: Dec 2017
- Build Number: 11.5.619
- Type: Service Pack
New Feature
- [PF-102] - Central client login in federation
- [PF-847] - Sync now correctly finishes on all folders
- [PF-877] - Folders aren't duplicated any longer when starting to synchronizing them
- [PF-898] - Fixed problem with multiple folder creation
- [PF-14] - Shared Folders with stopped sync stay stopped
- [PF-909] - Client setting "create.folder.allow.network=false" now properly working
- [PF-16] - Unexpected minimize/re-open behaviour of the client
- [PF-467] - File history connection issues fixed