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PowerFolder Server 10 SP5

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PowerFolder Server 10 SP5 Release Notes

Release date: Apr 2016

Build number: 10.5.391



[PFS-1659] - Authentication order field doesn't display the actual set value
[PFS-1683] - Server syncs UID field to internal email field
[PFS-1799] - Internet Explorer on Windows 7 downloads file after accepting TOS
[PFS-1833] - Incorrect message when quota is exceeded
[PFS-1866] - Renaming a parent folder is not visible to all invited users
[PFS-1892] - Unable to open files when the sub-folder is named "open"
[PFS-1893] - Device view in User Account is sometimes not loaded correctly
[PFS-1900] - Unable to add Emails to an existing LDAP- or Shibboleth-Account
[PFS-1903] - JDBC problem when transfer log is enabled
[PFS-1904] - Incorrect German translation when inviting users to a folder
[PFS-1905] - Translation error in the invitation response template
[PFS-1908] - Unable to share folders through mobile-web app
[PFS-1911] - Set Organisation for user does not work in clustered environments
[PFS-1912] - Admin edit account add folder broken
[PFS-1915] - Shibboleth authentication is disabled when preferences are altered
[PFS-1916] - Several fixes of renaming of top level folder
[PFS-1922] - 0 byte files when operating in cluster
[PFS-1923] - Cannot assign profile to an organization
[PFS-1925] - Option to disable social sharing doesn't work
[PFS-1926] - Service node not responding to web request
[PFS-1931] - Merging two accounts results in error
[PFS-1938] - Username field label will be changed to custom when saving preferences
[PFS-1961] - Users can share folders though it has been disabled
[PFS-1962] - Creating groups via API doesn't work
[PFS-1964] - Account validity setting doesn't work as expected for Shibboleth users
[PFS-1965] - Last login date is not set for Shibboleth users
[PFS-1966] - Server sends mails to eduPerson PrincipalName instead of email address
[PFS-1976] - Config entry value corruption when saving preferences
[PFS-1977] - Stickyness with load balancers not working for admin user
[PFS-1985] - Saving web preferences overwrites ONLYOFFICE configuration file changes
[PFS-1993] - Shibboleth: Fixed first use of profile of organization, added default shibboleth profile




[PFS-1972] - Make LDAP Alias dereferencing configurable

[PFS-1018] - Support assigning clients to a server cluster
[PFS-1565] - Quicker or instant autosave of web editited documents
[PFS-1698] - Sync ONLYOFFICE settings in cluster
[PFS-1808] - Add flexible options to auto-merge process for LDAP accounts
[PFS-1850] - Fix create organizations for end-users
[PFS-1864] - Exclude file changes which are in the future
[PFS-1889] - Central policies and defaults for File­‐Links: Passwort, Validity date, Number of Downloads
[PFS-1891] - Soft-limit on # users per server
[PFS-1894] - Flexible Shibboleth Attribute name mapping / Add valid to format
[PFS-1906] - Implement connection to ONLYOFFICE3 (Linux)
[PFS-1920] - MSI Installer nur für Administrator sichtbar
[PFS-1921] - MSI Installer Registry Schlüssel Metainformationen
[PFS-1934] - Account.edit / Add email should trigger merge account
[PFS-1943] - Reduced log level and amount for overused accounts: Permission denied (inactive)
[PFS-1944] - Password recovery improvements
[PFS-1949] - Speed up loading of folder list
[PFS-1951] - Sort option for auth order setting
[PFS-1959] - Reduce logging when cleaning up timed out ONLYOFFICE sessions
[PFS-1960] - Inviting a user from a Shibboleth account should use the quota of the default profile
[PFS-1982] - Increase upload limit over 2GB+
[PFS-1989] - New salutation in invitation_response.vm
[PFS-1990] - Remove password recovery option from Shibboleth start page

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