Opening the share dialogThe share dialog shows you all possiblities how you may share the folder or the file with other people. - Click on Folders to view the folder list.
- Click the
icon on the folder you want to share. A share dialog opens and shows you the possibilities how you can share your folder or your file.
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Sharing with other users Info |
Sharing this way is only possible with registered user. If you try to share your folder with a non-existent user a new user account gets created and an email gets send to the mail address |
Granting permissions- Open the share dialog of a top level folder.
- Enter the mail address of the person you want to give access to your folder in the field "Invite by name or e-mail" and press enter.
- Proceed untill all people you want to invite are added.
- Change the Permission according to your liking (Can read, can read and write or can administrate).
- Finally confirm sending the invitation by pressing Enter or

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Revoking permissionsIt is possible to change the permissions or completely delete the access for a user to a folder. - Open the share dialog of that folder.
- Press on the drop down menu next to the user you want to edit.
- Change the permission or delete it by pressing on the corresponding label.
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Sharing folder and files via link
Info |
Sharing files or folder this way doesn't require a user account for the other user. With this the other user can only download your files. Synchronization or WebDAV connections aren't possible. |
Create a linkSharing folders via link doesn't require other persons to have a user account. The function will simply create a link, which can be sent via e-mail or copied for posting somewhere else. - Open the share dialog.
- Click on the button "Create link"
- A link URL is instantly showing up.
- You can configure the link with the drop down menu next to "Everybody with this link"
- Can upload: If you send this link to someone else he can upload files to the destination of that link and additionally download the files. (Only possible for folders and subfolders)
- Can read: This link is a simple download link. Everybody with this link can download the target of your link.
- Setting: Here you can configure a validity date of the link until it gets deleted automatically and a maximum amount of downloads. Also you can set a password for that link.
- Remove: Deletes the link. After pressing this no further downloads of that link are possible.
- Click on
to copy the link to your clipboard. You can paste this link anywhere you want to share it.

Open a linkWhen opening the link a landingpage opens up. When Upload is configured additionally an upload button shows up. The user is able to upload files in this folder via this link. On this landingpage a link shows up that can get shared as a pure download link. Only the link that you generated initially can get used as a upload link. 
Managing file and folder linksIn the menu on the left side you have the option Links. There you can manage your links, edit your settings of single links or delete links that you don't need any longer. 
Editing a linkEditing a link is very simple. Just select the link you want to edit and the press Settings in your action bar. In the dialog that opens you can set or change a valid date, the maximum allowed downloads, you can set a password or allow uploads on the link by anonymous users.

Deleting linksIf you want to delete a link or a couple of links just select them and press the Delete button in the action bar.
