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This article explains the memory usage and configuration of the client. PowerFolder is a Java application. Java imposes a maximum limit to the amount of memory an application can use. This is a safeguard that prevents an application from consuming all of a computer's resources. PowerFolder normally runs perfectly well with the default memory limit. However, if many folders with many files are being managed, this limit can be exceeded and the client will then perform poorly. It is possible to adjust this memory limit. The memory use is heavily influenced by the number of shared files, the actual total size does not matter.

Automatic memory limit detection and configuration on Windows operating systems

On a Windows system the client will automatically detect when the available memory limit is close to being reached, and will display a warning dialog. This dialog provides an option for the client to automatically reconfigure to a higher memory limit. Usually this new limit will then be sufficient. If you are running Windows, you may need to run PowerFolder as an administrator for the reconfiguration to work. To start the client in administrator mode, right-click on the client program shortcut or executable icon and select the Run as administrator option.

By default the client is limited to 512 1024 MB of memory. If the reconfiguration option is accepted, it will then be limited to 2048 MB(32bit) or 8192(64bit).


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