Virtual host configuration file
The following section contains an example Apache configuration file of for a virtual host.
- Server name: powerfolder.organization.net
- Server admin email: support@organization.net
- SSL certificate file: /etc/ssl/certs/powerfolder.organization.net.pem
- SSL private key file: /etc/ssl/private/powerfolder.organization.net.key
- Shibboleth entitlements (optional):
- http://idm.org/entitlement/organization-PowerFolder
- http://powerfolder.organization.net/entitlement/DFN-Cloud
- PowerFolder Server web portal port: 8080
- PowerFolder Server hostnames:
- pf01.organization.net
- pf02.organization.net
- pf03.organization.net
- PowerFolder Server nodeIDs:
- nodeID01
- nodeID02
- nodeID03