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- PFM-554 - Dark mode support PFM-546PFIOS-224 - Add swipe menu to items Closed
- PFMPFIOS-550223 - Pulldown of list should reload / refresh Closed
- PFMPFIOS-531233 - Provide loading symbol after log in and folder list during loading
- PFM-500 - N3.2 - Update Javascript libraries
- PFM-568 - Provide better visibilty of TOS in app
- PFS-4417 - App browser version should not checked by net.version.minimum
- Won'tfix N3.3Show storage bar under account (replace pie chart) Closed
- PFIOS-232 - Improve sync and cache of app after connecting to server or starting the app Closed
- PFIOS-231 - Fix selection of Organization in dark mode Closed
- PFIOS-221 - Prevent invalid modification date of files Closed