Running as a Windows system service

Running as a Windows system service

The client can run in headless mode as a Windows system service to have it running even if no user is logged on to the device.

Installation of the Windows system service 

Configuring the client to run in a headless mode as a system service on Windows is straightforward:

  1. Launch the client as an administrator.
  2. (lightbulb) On Windows 10 / 11 or Windows Server, simply right-click on the program icon and choose "Run as Administrator".
  3. Click on Preferences > Plugins.
  4. Select System Service and click on Enable.
  5. Close the client.
    (info)Closing the client user interface after configuring it as a system service should automatically take care of starting the client as a system service.

Configuration when running as a Windows system service

To configure the Windows system service, simply start the client as an administrator via the program icon. On startup it automatically stops the system service and starts up as client with full user interface. Now it is possible to do the necessary configuration (e.g. folder setup) and close it. The changed settings will be mirrored to the system service instance automatically and take effect after the system service is restarted. The client automatically starts the system service if it is enabled after closing the user interface.

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