
Upgrade Information

(warning) Mandatory checks before upgrading (warning)

Downgrade information (optional)

New documentation

New configuration entries:

web.imprint.url: Sets the imprint URL in web interface
web.privacy_policy.url: Sets the privacy policy URL in web interface

folders.mount.keep.seconds=120 (default): Sets the time until a mounted folder gets unmounted cause of inactivity in systems with activated dynamic folder mounting.

server.federation.enabled=true (default): Enables the federation functionality or disables it completely.
server.federation.login_enabled=false (default): Enables or disables the federation login function (Redirect to home server when logging in.

web.threadpool.min=0 (default): Set the lowest amount of threads that are kept in thread pool for jetty web server. ((Warnung)Recommended: Not higher than 50, at least value of acceptor * 2 + 10)
web.threadpool.max=254 (default): Sets the maximum allowed threads for the jetty web server thread pool. ((Warnung)Recommended: Not higher than 500)
web.acceptors=2 (default): Sets the amount of acceptors and selectors for the jetty web server. ((Warnung)Recommended: Not higher than available CPU cores - 2)
The following article might help to find the correct values: Optimizing Jetty

server.merge_accounts.ldap.allowed=true (default) Controls if it is allowed to merge LDAP accounts.
server.merge_accounts.shibboleth.allowed=false (default) Controls if it is allowed to merge Shibboleth Accounts.

encrypted_storage.default=true (default) Setting controls if the check box for creating encrypted folders is checked or not by default.

New API calls




Technical information

New Feature

