
Upgrade Information

Downgrade information (optional)


PFS-2797 - File links are not deleted from the database when deleting folders and files
PFS-3253 - Directories can't get deleted with MSSQL 2012
PFS-2757 - Option to trigger folderscan is missing for admins
PFS-3129 - OAuth not working with mysql/mssql databases.
PFS-3065 - Recycle Bin not working correctly
PFS-3299 - NPE during server evacuation


PFS-3304 - Show location of device under my account
PFS-3295 - Set default language in configuration
PFS-3133 - Add function for admin to switch into user context
PFS-3262 - Org or server admin can delete itself
PFS-3186 - Add device management to my account dialog
PFS-3183 - Add missing folder settings (versioning)
PFS-3125 - Remove client nodes from server reconnect queue