
Since version 11.5 PowerFolder Server supports OAuth2 authorization. With OAuth you're able to receive an access- and refresh token from the PowerFolder server to access protected resources (folders).

The following documentation shows the OAuth2 life cycle, how to provide your OAuth2 client-ID and client-secret to the PowerFolder server and how to receive an access- and refresh token.

Requirements server-side

Workflow client-side

Receive access token with refresh token

With the refresh token you're able to fetch a new access token at any time. That means the refresh token has unlimited validity - please store your refresh token somewhere save!

The GET request for getting a new access token with the refresh token is:


Theoretical workflow: OAuth2 life cycle

Testing your application

For testing purposes PowerFolder provides a shell script. Just replace your client-ID, client-Secret and server-URL inside the script and run it against your PowerFolder server. You can download the script here: