
The 'PowerFolder Thunderbird Add-On' is an integration for PowerFolder into Thunderbird..

This Add-On is designed to make mailing a lot more comfortable with PowerFolder.

The 'PowerFolder Thunderbird Add-On' will upload attachments from E-Mails to a PowerFolder server per WebDav and generate download links for them.

The recipient will get an E-Mail containing download links for the specified attachments.

Sharing files with E-Mails has never been easier.


Before installing the 'PowerFolder Outlook Add-In' make sure you have theThunderbird is uptodate.

It is also required to have a PowerFolder Account.

Follow the following steps:


File-Links as Email Attachements

The uploads can be found under the user account in the folder "Mail Attachements", sorted with date and time.

(warning) After deleting the data in mail attachements, the file-links are also unavailable and the recipent is unable to downoad the attachements.