PowerFolder iOS App 21 FINAL

  • Release Date: July 2024
  • Build Number: 21.0.100
  • Type: Major Software Release

Beta: Inline Document Editing

We offer document editing using the app, an active server connection with ONLYOFFICE is required.

(warning) Please use the classic ONLYOFFICE connection in production environment and not WOPI as this is now in beta phase. 

(lightbulb) We recommend to use iPad for document editing as ONLYOFFICE has magnifying issue in iPhones and this can cause issued during document editing.


  • PFIOS-218 - Document editing: Prevent swipe to next file 
  • INT-856 - PowerFolder Drive: Fix loading folder file list 
  • PFIOS-217 - Folders, Files and subdirectories must not contain spaces at the beginning and end of nameÂ